Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Candles of Hope

Candles of Hope are burning bright,
Filling our hearts With eternal delight,
Hope, joy, prosperity and health.
Wishing you Happiness & Peace.
Happy Diwali !

Monday, 12 November 2012

Belaying a Rope

To fully secure your boat you have to tie it correctly. A cleat hitch is one of the basic sailing knots and it is used to attach the line of your boat to a cleat on the dock. The size of your boat does not matter as a cleat hitch can be used for either small or big boats. To make a good hitch is considered an art for many.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Beacon of Light

One-eyed sentries standing tall
dare to challenge every squall,
to be a beacon in the night;
A guide, a friend, dependable light.
Raging Nature can never douse
The welcoming beam of a lighthouse.
A fortress planted at the shore
Undaunted security at any hour.
~by Adam Smith

Friday, 9 November 2012


The leaves are raked and the grass has had it's last cut of the year. We have not had a frost yet and the mushrooms have decided to grow in the grass.

Autumn Beauty

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Art Gallery Ghost

The Chatham Art Gallery has a ghost that shows herself around this time of year.